
Avocado Plants

Provide high quality, imported (International) and grafted Avocado (Maluma) plants.

Brand Outreach

Provide “NuTreeFarm” as a brand to sell Avocado fruits in the market.

Market Awareness

Involve in digital marketing to build better market and improve Avocado awareness.

Market Establishment

Create market for farmers to get better rates.

About Maluma Cultivar

Key Success Factors for this Cultivar

Maluma in every regard is a very easy cultivar for the farmer to manage. It lends itself well to many cultivation practices, methods and theories. Maluma cultivation is less sophisticated and requires comparatively less attention. This cultivar is less complicated than Hass and Fuerte with respect to spraying and pruning.


Why cultivate Maluma plants?

Intrested to start a plantation?

Call us to know more!

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Here are some Frequently Asked Questions

Let us understand a few common questions that may cross your mind related to Avacado Farming.

The flowering time is in winter with flowering cycle once a year. Fruits are ready for harvest when the color of seed coat within the fruit changes from yellowish white to dark brown. Mature fruits ripen six to ten days after harvesting. The fruits remain hard as long as they stay on the trees, softening only after harvest.

For avocado trees to produce flowers, a period of about 4 weeks of relatively cool temperatures needs to occur in winter. For fruit set to occur, periods of 3 days in a row are needed at flowering time during which the temperature does not drop below 10°C

Avocados can be grown on a wide range of soils, but they are extremely
sensitive to poor drainage and cannot withstand water-logging. They are
intolerant to saline conditions. Optimum range of pH is from 5 to 7. Depending on the race and varieties, avocados can thrive and perform well in climatic conditions ranging from true tropical to warmer parts of the temperate zone.

The yield ranges from about 100 to 500 fruits per tree. Grade varies based on oil content and size of the fruit. 250 to 300 grams in size & have minimum 20% of oil content are qualified as good quality avocado.

Root rot and anthracnose are the 2 main diseases that affect the plants a
Fruit-spotting bug and banana-spotting bug

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